new idea audit

Welcome to your new idea audit

What type of idea is it? Hardware or physical product, software product, app or online product or service.

Who will be paying for the product or service? Choose the target customer that will provide the most revenue.

How do you intend to sell your product/service? Chose the ONE that is the MOST volume/revenue of your sales channel.

Have you spent any time talking to potential customers if they would use and pay for your idea? If so how many?  Note: Potential customers are NOT friends and relatives.

Have you done research on how many customers there are for your product or service? It is critical to have a realistic idea if you can get enough customers.

Why are you building this product or service?

Can your mom or someone older than you describe your idea to a friend?

Do you have the time and money to get your idea to market or in the hands of customers?

What skills do you bring to the table for your idea? Please choose the one you think provides the MOST value to your idea.

What skills do you think are the MOST important for you to have on the team but you don't have access to them yet?

Have you identified your target customer? And a target range price of what they would pay?

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