new idea audit Leave a Comment / By Root / December 6, 2024 Welcome to your new idea audit What type of idea is it? Hardware or physical product, software product, app or online product or service. Hardware or physical product Online service, software or App Digital Information product. EX ebooks, reports, etc Offline service with online signup Offline service with brick and mortar physical location None Who will be paying for the product or service? Choose the target customer that will provide the most revenue. Consumers Small business with less than 50 employees Small Business, with less than 500 employees Large Business, with companies more than 500 employees None How do you intend to sell your product/service? Chose the ONE that is the MOST volume/revenue of your sales channel. Direct to consumer via your website, I have online sales funnel Using distributors (retail) that can put it in front of your buyers Using resellers that have relationships with your buyers Hiring a inside or outside sales staff to do outreach None Have you spent any time talking to potential customers if they would use and pay for your idea? If so how many? Note: Potential customers are NOT friends and relatives. Talked to less than 5 people Talked to 5-25 people Talked to more than 25 None Have you done research on how many customers there are for your product or service? It is critical to have a realistic idea if you can get enough customers. Yes I have done extensive research and have credible sources to reference. Yes some research but have not found credible sources yet. No, not really None Why are you building this product or service? I had the problem and created a solution to solve it I saw a similar idea and thought I could make a better version I think if I can get my idea into the hands of customers it will help others who had the same problem as I had I think it is a great idea and I can make some good money doing it I think I can make a lot of money by selling this None Can your mom or someone older than you describe your idea to a friend? I have no idea Probably not without some help or a few pointers Yes, it is easy to compare it to something that already exists. EX: It is like Uber for X Most of my friends get it, but not all of them None Do you have the time and money to get your idea to market or in the hands of customers? I have the time but not the money I have the money but not the time Yes, both I have the time and money I don't have the time or money but I know people who can help I don't have the money or time. None What skills do you bring to the table for your idea? Please choose the one you think provides the MOST value to your idea. I have industry knowledge I can design or build it myself I know the right people to talk to in the industry to get it started I have the connections to get customers I have none of the above None What skills do you think are the MOST important for you to have on the team but you don't have access to them yet? Technical skills, coding skills, product design skills Business, organizational, operational skills Marketing, sales skills Industry connections None Have you identified your target customer? And a target range price of what they would pay? Yes we are very clear on who the buyer of our product or service is and the price. We have not started to identify the buyer of our idea or price, yet. We have our target customer identified but not sure what they will pay yet. We are pretty clear on the price but not on our target customer, yet. None Time's up