Are you here looking for answers?

Did you know there are 29 questions that get asked over and over by founders from around the world?

We have done the research. Over the last 12 months we have analyzed more than 1200 questions and determined that founders have 29 questions they commonly ask. We scraped and talked to people from Marakesh to Montana and Bengaluru to Boise about what they wanted to know and we found five categories and 29 questions that are asked over and over again. These are the most popular questions on how to start or run an early stage company.

We have just started collecting answers and will be adding new answers from experts and experienced founders each week to the 29 questions.

We will be hearing from experienced people who live not only in the US, but Europe, India, China, Australia, South America and maybe even Antarctica. We will get viewpoints from diverse backgrounds, ethnicity, gender and location so where ever you live you will be able to get an answer that is relevant for your situation.

If you live in Omaha, Nebraska your question may be the same as someone in Sydney, Australia but the answer you need should fit your location and situation. Therefore we will be talking to people who with different backgrounds, geographies and more and they will be sharing their answers with us all.

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If you would like to see short videos of some of the answers directly from the experts you can watch them on LinkedIn, click the button below or search #askmikeg on LinkedIn.

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