
Whole Lot of “Startuping” Going On

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IMAG0376We had an absolutely incredible event last night. Not only because of the Marc Nager, CEO of Startup Weekend and Derek Anderson, founder of Startup Grind but because it was a great group of people who attended the event. There were a lot of good quality people with some very good existing businesses and businesses soon to be launched.  And some networking was getting done as well. As I know a few people who said they met someone that they were looking forward to another meeting with.

It was also interesting for me as I didn’t do the interview with Marc so I got to sit in the audience and listen and experience as everyone else gets to.  I must say (a bit biased) that it really is a great venue to have this kind of event. The room is open and airy yet it feels warm and inviting.  Some people may not notice this but it does have an effect on the feel or vibe in the room.  Enough said on that but I do appreciate the venue.

Let’s get to Marc, he was very open and candid with all his comments. You could tell he was actually thinking about his answers and truly wanting to share his information with the audience. When the Q & A portion was happening we got some great insights on how much he didn’t know when he started and how much he as learned over the years. They have some great plans on helping the Startup community with events that are truly useful. We are looking forward to seeing more events from Marc and his international team.

It truly was a treat to have Derek Anderson in our event. He was in town for some other meetings and it was great for him to see how special our group of people is.  He has been doing this monthly interview for 2 years and has talked to some very interesting people. The next time he is here he will be the one getting interviewed.

We also have a surprise guest… Ben Huh, CEO of Cheezburger popped in towards the end of the presentation just to say hello. He was there with one of his Executive team Heather Gray. Thank you two for coming by.

I think everyone enjoyed themselves and got something out of the talk with Marc.  Until next time… Have an Amazing Day.


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