Who Helps a 1000+ Youth Get Educated Each Month?

For those of you who plan to attend the next Startup Grind event on June 26th at 6 pm you will be hearing from someone who had an idea to help others and walked away from a stable career at Amazon then started Vittana.org. He has since helped thousands of the youth get educated across the globe. Come learn insights from someone who had an idea and made it happen in a very big way.  To RSVP and pay.

Kushal Chakrabarti is the founder and board co-chair of Vittana, a non-profit that fights youth poverty in developing nations. It pioneered the Vittana Loan — a $750 student micro-loan that can triple a girl’s income. An award-winning organization, Vittana works in 13 countries, helps 1,000+ youth escape poverty every month and its impact is regularly highlighted in world press including the Economist, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and many others. To RSVP and pay.

Previously, Kushal ran technology for a $1 billion team at Amazon and is the author of 20+ patents and papers. He was recently named Social Innovator of the Year, one of Seattle’s Top 40 People Under 40 and voted the #1 Game-Changer in Philanthropy by 1.7 million readers on Huffington Post. Kushal is a frequent speaker on youth poverty, education and social entrepreneurship including SOCAP, PopTech, and TEDxBrussels.

Helping the youth get educated is a momentous task, and Kushal believes that it is a task not being taken at hand.

In his free time, he races triathlons, takes pictures, and works with dogs. Kushal lives in Seattle with his 2-year-old German Shepherd puppy.

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